Many people tell us that foster care is something that they may have thought about for a while. When we meet with prospective foster carers we share with them information on what foster care is, who the children are, what the requirements to become a foster parent, and how to start the process. Equally important is answering the question, “Why should I become a foster carer?” The answer to that question is different for each person, here we cover some of the main reasons why many people decide to become a foster carer.
Fostering may be the most challenging job you’ll ever have, but it can be the most rewarding one as well…
Making a difference in a child’s life
The love, caring, compassion and fun foster families provide can set a child or young person up for life. It can give him or her the confidence they need to overcome life’s obstacles and, at the same time, instil in them an unshakeable sense of self-esteem. Whether you’re interested in long-term fostering, and seeing a whole variety of milestones for your looked after children, or if you’re interested in providing a break for families who have a child with specialist needs, your help will be incredibly valuable.

The challenges and rewards
Fostering may be the most challenging job you’ll ever have, but it can be the most rewarding one as well. Nothing may compare to making a positive difference to a young life and then there’s all the fun, enrichment and excitement a child can bring to a home.

Work with Children and Young People
Wanting to work with children and young people is one of the most common qualities our foster carers share, whether or not they have previous experience.
Although experience can be useful, it’s not essential - if you’re interested in supporting and nurturing young lives, then you’re already halfway to being a brilliant foster carer. All of our foster carers bring their own unique skills and expertise to the role, and we offer plenty of training to develop these further.

Develop new skills
Our training courses allow you to develop your professional skills and knowledge, with topics like therapeutic parenting, early trauma and its psychological impact, brain development and child development.

New opportunities
Being a foster parent is a career in its own right and is financially compensated as such. You are recognised for the role you perform - and we’re proud to be able to do that. That’s why, in addition to ongoing training and support, and a weekly allowance for each looked after child you look after, our foster carers also receive a payment based on the different skill levels and training they complete.
Whatever your own reasons for looking to foster a child or young person, speak to our team to start your journey today.

Learn more about fostering in Rotherham
If you have any questions about fostering in Rotherham, book a call back with a member of our experienced team at a time that suits you. All our call backs are confidential.